Friday, May 29, 2009

Branford Marsalis Promotes Summer Reading

Thought everyone might enjoy our summer reading promotional video with Branford Marsalis. He was so gracious and enthusiastic during our filming, even though he had just returned from a very strenuous tour in California. WTVD, a local tv station, and UNC-TV, public television have both agreed to air the psa throughout the summer. The children in the video have parents who work in our Department.
Check it out:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Very Cool Annual Report

I know everyone is always on the lookout for new ways to create their annual report. In North Carolina I've seen some wonderful formats and presentations. I remember Greensboro public library's a few years ago developed notepads with a fact about the library on each note pad sheet. Cumberland County had plastic bags with library information printed on the outside. I came across this idea which I think is fantastic and very innovative. The Columbus Library presented their 2008 annual report in a very unique way. Check it out.