Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Learning from Bookstores

I have been working on organizing my materials from PLA and once I finish I'll share any information that might be useful. In the meantime I recently revisited an article that I find most interesting and wanted to share. The article, "What Libraries Can Learn from Bookstores", written by Chris Rippel, invites librarians to apply bookstore techniques to communicate with library customers. It's a great article and has tons of links - you could spend all day browsing. I especially like the section on "library smells". Check out the link

Thursday, April 10, 2008

OCLC on Advocacy

OCLC has done a great job developing an advertising campaign on behalf of libraries, aimed at library budget decision-makers. The campaign consists of a series of national print ads and similar posters that can be downloaded and customised by libraries of all types. The goal of the campaign is to raise the visibility of libraries. Some very useful information.
Here's the link.